Waiting for presentation

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Diary of My Side Project

What I felt while working on the side project.

Escape Room

Escape from daily life

Cloud Gorup
Choi Subong

너 방탈출 좋아한다고?

그거 왜 가?

비싸지 않아?

54,000 Won / 2 person

요즘 영화 값도 그정도 드는데...

어려운거 아냐?

요즘 방탈출은 쉬워요.

  • 너무 어렵게 내면 사람들이 잘 안갑니다.
  • 힌트에 쪼잔해도 사람들이 잘 안갑니다.
  • 제한시간 내에 탈출 못하면 다시 오는게 아니라, 그 매장을 다시 안갑니다.

방탈출 유형

3,562,500 USD/day

Electricity bill to maintain Bitcoin network

Bitcoin's Interesting Indicators

As of February 25, 2021

  • 672,087 Blocks Count
  • 167.365 Hashrate(Ehash/s)
  • 383.43 Blockchain Size(GB)
  • + $0.3685 for 1 THash/s, 1 day
  • + $12.52 for RTX3090, 1 day (0.1 USD/kWH)
  • 120 days Break-even point

Bitcoin & Blockchain

Blockchain is a "system" that is the basis of Bitcoin, and Bitcoin is the result of applying blockchain to "money".

So, where is my coin?

Coin exists in log form throughout the network.

This is similar to the money in the bank.

The permission to use coins is recorded on my computer.
This is similar to the password you need when you transfer money from the bank.

The public key of the Bitcoin wallet means "account number"
and the private key means "account password".

  • Wallet Program

    Makes checking the balance easier
  • Public Key

    Similar to the account number.
  • Private Key

    Similar to the account password.

Pros of Rythme Game

  • 1. Easy to Play & Easy to Learn.
  • 2. Not require high end deivce. also very casual.
  • 3. Few competitive components.

Cons of Rythme Game

  • 1. Copyright issue & Spend money to buy music
  • 2. It's hard to find my favorite song
  • 3. Difficulty level that doesn't suit me.
Review of Web Service Development
R&D Department
Choi Subong

What is new?

  • 1. Craft; Notes generated by AI.
  • 2. Editor; make can refine note by Note Editor.
  • 3. Share; Sharing User Created Contents for avoid copyright.

What I felt while developing the web service

Performance Issue


Software and data integrity errors occur when applications rely on untrusted sources, storage, and CDNs, plugins, libraries, and modules.
You must add an integrity verification procedure for the code used by the application.


Modulation is possible because there is no integrity verification for the library or module used by the application
If there is no validation for the update supply chain
If there is no proper security review for the CI/CD pipeline
Without integrity verification for serialized data

Performance Issue


We know pathfinding algorithm

Starcraft pathfinding algorithm is too stupid and slow.
But, in 1998, that algorithm is revolution.

Why did Starcraft become a masterpiece?

It's late, but the right decision.
The enthusiasm and commitment of the staff's passion and commitment.
Creative Attempts.
Trick or hack; Not afraid of the dirty code.

Now we know starcraft's behind stroy.
We should be careful not to repeat the same mistake.

Thank you!

any question?